Broken record

Mea culpa, I haven’t posted anything for so long, but I was starting to sound like a broken record.
Tired, bored, bored beyond belief, exhausted, still very much on the job hunt. Honestly reading back a few posts and you pretty much get the gist of things.
As I’ve sudden been taken down by a sudden bug  (cold? Flu?) I finally found some time to do a quick update.

Random things: been on 4 dates with the same guy, ended up spending a weekend. Found out someone at work has a slight infatuation with me, much to my bemusement.
Next week I’m off as I’ll be going back to school for a bit. A try out for a styling course as I have no idea whether it’s something I’d like. Creative blood yes, styling no idea.
And the radio continues to be saving grace at work.

Oh and my birthday is approaching way too quickly. Hmm.

Say what?